I had a great time at the 2010 Central Canada Comic Convention on the weekend!
Comic books are really just the art of telling a story by skillfully combining words and artwork. It’s a medium I’ve been in love with for a long time. Not only was it great to have a weekend to celebrate it with friends, it was nice to meet a few artists and see this art form get the respect it deserves!
Okay, so some respect for comics was lost when I passed by the following boxes of books for sale. Sigh...

Big Boob Girl Comics?
After experiencing this low point in comics, my opinion of humanity was lifted after I got to meet Scott Kolins! Besides being a fantastic professional artist, he is also an incredibly nice guy! Before I left my job doing colour separations at Digital Chameleon I got to do some work on his fantastic Flash run for DC comics. His work is full of tiny little details which made it both exciting and maddening to colour! I love his style!
In the last year I’ve begun commissioning artists to do sketches on the inside covers of books they’ve been a part of! It’s easier to store a work of art in a book on a shelf rather than trying to frame and hang them. Plus, there’s only so many drawings of superheroes a grown man should really have hanging on their walls! ;)
Here’s a great sketch Scott did of Captain America taking on Baron Zemo in my
Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes hardcover – a pivotal scene in the book!

Scott Kolins also went all out in this drawing for my
Beyond! Hardcover of all the main characters caught in The Stranger’s grasp!

All in all, a fun weekend! It also gave me a bit of a kick in the rear to keep the ball rolling on a book I'm hoping to self publish next year -
Spacepig Hamadeus and the Captive Planet!
And hey, be sure to "Like" the
Spacepig Hamadeus Facebook page!
Currently playing: The Payola$ -
Here's The WorldCurrently colouring: An upcoming book for Dark Horse Comics!
Proudly in my fifth Cola free year!