Saturday, September 17, 2005

Nose to the grindstone

My first real break from colouring in about 3 hours. 

I'm working on colouring a Conan comic book for Dark Horse Comics. It's been a good 4+ years since I was up at this hour, staring at some lineart and listening to Art Bell. It feels good to be back in the saddle again, and will feel better to be fast asleep. 

I feel bad complaing about my heavy eyelids - My colleagues on this project, Wil and Peter, have been running on four hours sleep a night all week, fighting to get this book out on time. They are true heroes... ;)

Once more into the breach...

Currently playing: Coast to Coast AM with George Noory - open lines
Weather: Lightning storm


Ian Sokoliwski said...

Heh - so, how many pages did you end up doing?

Donovan Yaciuk said...

Oh MAN! I totally forgot - Ian, you are a true hero too! You probably pumped out more Conan's that Arnie pumped iron!!! By the end of the weekend, i think I cam close to 30 pages - CROM!!!!