It took me a second as well, but yes - it is a drawing of two cartoon cars procreating. If I was to hazzard a guess, I'd say that it was recreational procreating, rather than procreating for the purposes of furthering the automotive species - the hanging toungues sort of gave it away.
My first thought wasn't "Why is my wife sending me this?". Nor was it "Where on earth did my wife get this image?" No, my first thought was "Why the hell would anybody waste their time and talents drawing this!?!"
I mean really. It's sort of like people who spray paint the F-word on walls. You're all alone. Spray paint in hand. Nobody around for miles. It's dark and quiet, and a pristine brick wall is staring you in the face. Your big chance - the world has given you this one moment to let it know who you are! And what do you do with it?
You spray paint the F-word! Of course! What a waste.
I've been wracking my brain trying to figure out what the impetus was behind this drawing of the cars. It probably went a little like this...
Meet Frank and Andy. To set the scene, Frank is an artist, working hard at his drafting board, perfecting his craft. His buddy Andy, a convenience store employee, walks in. Unannouced of course.
Andy: Hey Frank! Whatcha doing!
Frank: Drawing.
Andy: Oh yeah! Cool!
Frank: ....
Andy: So... What are you drawing?
Frank: Cars.
Andy: Oh yeah? Cool.
Frank: Yeah. And they're doing stuff.
Andy: Doing stuff? Like what?
Frank: Each other.
Andy: ...
Frank: ...
Andy: ...
Frank: They're cartoon cars.
Andy: Oh!
Frank: ...
Andy: Well, I guess that's okay then.
Frank: ...
Andy: ...
Frank: ...
Andy: Are they doing it doggie style?
Frank: Yep.
Andy: ...
Frank: ...
Andy: Cool.
Perhaps my wife can explain in the comments section how she came to be in possession of this image! Cat...?
Currently playing - Honeymoon Suite - Wave Babies
Now entering my one-hundred and twenty-sixth Cola free day!
1 comment: mean this wasn't a photograph?
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