A few months ago, I was working on Dark Horse's Chronicles of Conan volume 17: The Creation Quest, which came out last week. It's chock full of fantastic Gil Kane artwork, so click the link and buy a copy now!
Reaction to this series has been mixed, as the team of colourists I work with use a more modern colouring treatment rather than reproduce the colours as the would have originally appeared in the comics. That being said, I found a positive review online last week! Sure, our work is only referenced in one sentence ("And the colors look fantastic in this collection!"), but good press is better than none at all!
Also on the comics front, I had the opportunity a few months ago to make a very small contribution to a huge reprint project from Marvel that I hold very close to my heart. There's a chance that this contribution won't make the final print, so I'll hold off on announcing it until I can confirm with my own eyes that it made it in to the finished book, but needless to say, the ten year old inside of me is VERY excited about this!
Currently playing: Pete Townshend - Slit Skirts
Currently colouring: A yet to be solicited project for Dark Horse Comics!
Proudly in my fourth Cola free year!
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