Sunday, May 30, 2010

Tens of boxes to put my order into, and they had to choose THIS one...

Last week, I had my old friend Robin Kowal over to watch the season finale of LOST. To celebrate the occasion, we ordered Chinese food from what I consider to be the BEST Chinese Food restaurant in Winnipeg - Hong Hing Chinese Food Delivery on Ellice Avenue.

Not only do you get a lot of great tasting food for a great price, but it all comes packaged up in an inappropriately labelled box whose text you wish you'd never read!

Yeah, hi, Hong Hing? I'd like to order some Mushroom Fried Rice, Chicken Balls, and Stir Fried Veggies.

Oh, and hold the Bladder Control Pads, because.. uhh.. well, I can hold it.

Oh, and for the record? The LOST finale was AWESOME! I'm not sure what some people were expecting to see....

Currently playing: Men Without Hats - Living In China
Currently colouring: The Chronicles of Conan Volume 20: Night of the Wolf!
Proudly in my fifth Cola free year!


Fraz said...

Q: how does one colour a comic in the year 2010?

TheSourpuss said...

This is awesome. I am infinitely amused by ironic signage and things of this ilk, and laughed like hell when I saw the takeout arrived in a pee pee pad box. Ha! Good find!

Unknown said...

Donny your flair for words is astounding. I actually got a tear in my eye from trying to stiffle the laughter. It was late, what can I say but; I wish I was there, and was Robin dissapointed that there was no adult pads as the packaging suggested?