Thursday, January 05, 2012

I'm no Bronie.

The Care Bear painting I did for our friend's daughter's birthday last month was such a hit that we've decided to paint more cutouts for our daughter. I'm not sure where the time has gone, but she turns four this weekend.

The last week has been spent slaving over not one, not two, but FOUR paintings of her characters from her current favourite toy line, My Little Pony.
Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie and Applejack

Rainbow Dash

She's going to flip when she sees them!

I loved making these! My daughter is mostly interested in the toys, so I've never seen an entire episode of the show.

I wouldn't want anyone to mistake me for a Bronie (a male My Little Pony fanatic).

That's just, well, weird.

Currently playing: Ginuwine - Pony
Proudly in my sixth Cola free year!

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