Sunday, November 01, 2009

Tales from the Central Canada Comic Con #4 - I Survived C4 2009!

Be sure to catch the first three installments in this series!
Tales from the Central Canada Comic Con #1 - The man who offended... Marv Wolfman!

Tales from the Central Canada Comic Con #2 - The Curious Case of the Stammering Man
Tales from the Central Canada Comic Con #3 - I Shook the Hand of the Honky Tonk Man, and LIVED!

Well, this year's Central Canada Comic Con has come to a close. Where else can you find such creative uses for white cardboard boxes?
Despite the misadventures outlined in previous posts, I had a great time meeting some famous professionals and reconnecting with numerous industry colleagues who I'd not seen in a while. So many of them had tables at the convention to promote their upcoming projects, and I want to take some time to introduce you to some great, local talent and creations!

Los Luchadores Mysteriosos: Exclusive Preview
Story & Art: Evan Quiring
Colours: Victoria Free
Publisher: Black Swan Studios
Price: $3.00
I've only just met Evan at the con when he signed my book, but I've known Victoria for almost a decade now. Her colouring work graces Quiring's art and story in Los Luchadores Mysteriosos #1, by Black Swan Studios. That title sounds like it would be the craziest Dora the Explorer episode ever. If your definition of awesome is a book featuring [SPOILER ALERT!] masked Mexican Wrestlers, zombies, UFO's, and girls with large breasts who run around in undergarments because their shirts were torn off by zombie hordes who have taken over an abandoned prison town that was destroyed by mental patients[END SPOILERS], this book will be right up your alley! It looks to be like a wild ride, and the first full issue is expected in December!

Here's a pic of Victoria and Evan, displaying my autographed issue!

Yva: Blood and Sand
Words & Letters: Brian S. Roe
Art: Des Hanley
Colours: Ronda Pattison
Publisher: RSquared Studios
Price: $1.00
Yva: Blood and Sand is a remarkably well done, 6 page preview that does a great job of setting up the stories and characters that will be featured in future issues! Des Hanely's art combines with Ronda's colours to create a wonderful moody atmosphere that has me humming Ennio Morricone's The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly soundtrack. I think the most impressive thing about the art in this book is the attention paid to the background, in this case, a town called "Colton's Curse". The outpost almost seems to be a character itself, so much personality is put into it's rendering!

It's along the lines of a book I could see myself writing, IF I had the time and energy and determination to publish a book myself! I highly recommend it!

For the record, "Yva" rhymes with "Eva" and "diva".

Here's Brian and Ronda at their table from the weekend! You may recognize Brian as the man in the WANTED poster on page 3 panel 3!

Guitar Gun
Art: Ian Sokoliwski
Price: Approx $20.00 per print (available for purchase)
I truly hope that Ian has a good lawyer handy. He's going to need it to negotiate the potential deals that this idea can bring in.

Think about it. Girls with guns that are also guitars.

It applies itself to everything - comics, video games, album covers, the front skin of a bass drum, t-shirts, animation,
role playing games.

It's brilliant, really!

Be warned that there are some nude buttocks in the Guitar Gun images, so don't buy any prints or shirts for your grandparents unless their eyesight is failing.

Currently playing: Guns N' Roses - Don't Cry (Alternate Lyrics)
Currently colouring: A yet-to-be-solicited project from Dark Horse Comics!!!
Proudly in my fourth Cola free year!


Ian Sokoliwski said...

I can think of a few grandparents that would approve of those pictures, actually :)

Kat42 said...

I'm glad you liked the book! It was lots of fun to work on. We want too ake it too the Calgary con in the spring!

Kat42 said...

Er I mean we want to take it to the Calgary con in spring. gah I'm tired, not sleep for a weekend and then working. ;)

Itar's a good thing I'm only colouring the book. ;P