So here starts the first issue of "Tales from the Central Canada Comic Convention #1"! Tonight's brief tale... The Man who offended... Marv Wolfman!

Well, Ian eventually gets busy co-ordinating a post-Con supper for the evening with the man across the table from him, who just happens to be Marv Wolfman.
Yeah, THE Marv Wolfman.

The man who co-created the Felicia Hardy, the Black Cat.
Oh, and he wrote some story called "Crisis on Infinite Earths", which I've never heard of but should really try to read some day. ;)
Ian's big plan is to hit up the "Elephant and Castle", one of my favourite restaurants in downtown Winnipeg, and also the location of my very first date with my wife!
The food is great, but I'm told that one of the best things about the restaurant is it's selection of imported beers and alcohol. Marv and Ian are talking like two old pros who have known each other for a long time, and I figure it's my turn to jump in to this conversation.
Yes, the conversation between Ian, and THE Marv Wolfman.
So, sweating profusely, I offer up the fact that the Elephant and Castle is a great place to get imported beer!
In my head, I hear the abrupt sound of a needle being violently ripped off of a vinyl record. I hadn't noticed that there was any music playing before this point, but I sure as heck noticed it's absence now! Wolfman stops, looks in my direction, and proudly tells me that "That would be very interesting to me, were it not for the fact that I do not indulge in alcoholic beverages.".
As if I was supposed to know that.
He watched me panic for a few seconds before swiveling his head back to Ian to continue to make supper plans.
Well, that went swimmingly. The type of swim that precedes a drowning.

Boy, that's information that would have been useful to me yesterday.
I felt like I'd just offered to take him to a restaurant called "Mr. Porky's Deep Fried Scavenger Birds and Shellfish".
Anyhow, if Mr. Wolfman eventually stumbles onto this blog, I apologies for any offense I may have caused!!!!
It wasn't the first embarrassing moment of the night, which I'll detail in our next issue, "Tales from the Central Canada Comic Con #2 - The Curious Case of the Stammering Man"!
Currently playing: Dare - The Last Time
Currently colouring: A yet-to-be-solicited project from Dark Horse Comics!!!
Proudly in my fourth Cola free year!
1 comment:
Hee hee - I gotta say, I don't think you said anything particularly offensive.
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