Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Anatomy of a beer league logo

Every day, I wish I was asked "Donovan, how on earth did you come up with the idea for the logo of your Uncle's Hockey Team, Big Ern's Boys?" Well, it's high time I documented this extensive process - so to all those who wanted to know but we're afraid to ask, here goes!

Step 1: Find a good logo
Our team wears Ottawa Senators jerseys, so getting their logo as reference was a good place to start.

Step 2: Acquire photo of Uncle, preferably an embarrassing one
At this point, my Aunt Rose was enlisted to help - she managed to dig up a vintage Big Ern photo out of the archives, this one dated to 1983. It's probably a good idea to not ask if he's wearing pants in this photo.

Step 3: Sketch out my Uncle's face
For those of you following along at home, this is what I call "the hard part". In more professional circles, it is referred to as "drawing".

Step 4: Add colour and shading
Don't forget to stylize the hair, not like that mane could be tamed by any sort of styling.

Step 5: Add the crest
Throw in the same background crest used in the Senators logo, and voila!

Currently playing: The Eagles - Heart of the Matter (live)

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