Saturday, October 08, 2005

Hey, didn't I used to eat lunch in that Doctor's office...?

Cat is ramping up to direct another awesome WestJet video, and needed an out-of-the-way locale for a scene that required repeated honkings of a car horn. As her Locations Scout / Husband, I thought a good spot would be the old deserted Digital Chameleon building at 1100 Fife. I coloured comic books in it's hallowed halls from 1998-2001, some of the best times of my life. It's been collecting dust bunnies for a good 3 years now, and nobody would be disturbed by the noise we needed to make!

We packed up the video camera, made sure the car horn was in working condition, and hit the road. However, our journey was cut short - a slightly higher budget had moved into the building. Containing my excitement, I strained my eyes to see through all the movie trailers, vehicles, and crew to find "Falcon Beach Medical Clinic" emblazoned on the front door. So much for meeting Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie - it was a set for Falcon Beach, also known as the Canadian version of Dawson's Creek.

Not to be deterred, Cat and I set up our shoot in a back lane a block away. As was required by her script, we let loose on the car horn and finished our scene. If you happen to catch an episode of the show, and if that show happens to have a scene taking place in a clinic, strain your ears and listen to the background - lost amidst the terribly delivered lines, you just might hear the cry of a car horn... well my friends, now you'll know... the rest of the story.

And you can tell your friends that you know someone who used to eat lunch in the same room as this doctors office! Bonus!!!

Currently playing: The Fixx - Deeper and Deeper

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