Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Back to the Drawing Board

Michael J. Fox is heading Back To The Future for a fourth time-traveling movie. The actor, who suffers from Parkinson's disease, admits he's in negotiations for a final film in the series - but only if they make his character as old as he is in real life. The former Spin City star wants to take over Christopher Lloyd's eccentric scientist character, Doc, in the sequel. He tells movie website, "The only way it would work would be if I played Doc. I'm 44-years-old now and I'm not interested in running around on skateboards! I think after 1, 2 and 3 we all kind of felt we had done it. And I think if they did it again now they would do it with a younger cast and just do a different realisation of it, which would be fun."
Source: Internet Movie Database

I hope this is a joke. Whoever thought this would be a good idea should make like a tree, and get out of here.....

Crazy drunk driver....

This news item has a "Bad Idea" factor of 1.21 Gigawatts.

Currently playing: Joe Satriani - I Believe
Percentage of Christmas shopping complete: 100.00%


Anonymous said...

What, you'd rather see him on a skateboard? Isn't that kinda cruel. Or is that going to be the point of all the gags in the movie?


You know, I've never seen the second one. I like the first one, and thought the third was pretty cool - heck, I even liked the cartoon series. Just never got around to seeing the second one all the way through, though.

The shadow... said...

If you ever suggest again that a 4th, or even 5th Back to the Future movie is not appropirate, I will track you down by you IP address in the database, wait for you as you come home from work, and then cut you.

You should watch your attitude buddy. Better yet, make like the wind and delete your blogging post.