Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Most times I find myself yelling at commercials and throwing whatever is within reach at the television. I can't put my finger on why, but this commercial makes me laugh out loud. The scenario that it sets up is just too good.

Number one, this cat responds to the comments of his human co-workers, hinting that she understands English.

Number two, she's working at a feverish pace - there's like 5 or 6 of her "copies" drying on the wall in the background!

Third, she can't be bothered to turn and acknowledge the co-worker who has stopped by! Like a true master, she's really into her work!

Fourth, unlike a true master, her work isn't really good. That has to be the worst graph I have ever seen.

It IS pretty good for a cat though...

Currently playing: Haywire - Standing In Line


Anonymous said...


every thought that enters your head has to be put down on the World Wide Porn Network, does it?


I really gotta do more of this myself...

Troy Scott said...

Merv?! I knew he was STILL ALIVE! it all makes sense NOW! My Cat faked his own death to get into TELEVISON!!! Cool!