Sunday, March 19, 2006

Men are Martians, Women are Venereal

Cat and I had a rare day off together, and we spent it at the planetarium.

It was both fun, and informative.

Did you know that the planet Venus has a surface temperature of 425 degrees Celsius!!! Wow! That's hot!!!

Well, when you think about it, it's not THAT hot. It would still take you 12-15 minutes to bake a Venusian pizza. A ham and cheese breakfast quiche would still have to sit in the open air for 20 minutes, and you'd have to wait almost half an hour to for most muffins to be ready!

We also learned some dirty Astronomy facts today. Other than giggling at Uranus' unfortunate name, I also learned that there is an actual constellation called "poop", and that the adjective "Venusian", which is commonly used for Venus, is actually supposed to be "Venereal", but is avoided for obvious reasons.

Currently playing: Tom Cochrane - Sinking Like a Sunset

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...makes ya wonder how many Venereals are crawling around Uranus these days, don't it...