Some people feel that comics should be a form of escapism, and have no right tackling sensitive issues of the day. Hogwash, says I!
Comics have a long and storied history of being born of topical events.
Captain America is a piece of propaganda, created to battle the Nazi war machine. Iron Man's anti-communist origin was forged in the jungles of Vietnam. And the X-Men - super powered mutants who are a minority in normal society, are an allegory for the struggles against racism and segregation in 1960's America.
And then there is Superman, who upholds Truth, Justice, and the American Way.
And, uh, also Incest. While we're at it, throw Adultery into the mix... Read for yourself! The following is an excerpt from a 1962 Superman comic.
Superman's cousin (the aptly named Supergirl), tries to find Superman a wife, and introduces him to a cavalcade of suitors.

After all that searching, it seems that the gal Superman wants is right in front of his eyes!

Whoo-boy! Sounds like the writer of this particular rag had a few skeletons in his closet!
So there you have it! From racism, to commies and Nazis, to Truth, Justice and Adultery, the funnybooks have long been a sounding board for opinions on current events!
(And Superman apparently has the hots for his cousin!)
Currently playing: Orphan - Miracle
That, my friend, was an early form of retconning...
Much earlier in the Superman comics, Superman had actually told his cousin that they couldn't marry because it was unlawful in the United States, even though it was an accepted practise on Krypton!!!
There you go. The secret connection between Alabama and Krypton.
Which Supergirl was that? Isn't there like 23 Supergirls? Is Powergirl a former Supergirl?!
Geez must suck to be Superman...
Lana Lang
Lois Lane
Countless Supergirls...
I'm just a Jimmy Olsen
and then there was that time Superman did the invisible man, but thought it was Wonder Woman.
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