Monday, May 08, 2006

You're a fool - that's what's wrong with you.

Come on, people! You can't tell me that you wouldn't faithfully watch this, every freakin' day...


Mr. T to offer advice in planned TV series
He’ll solve problems on ‘I Pity the Fool’ airing on TV Land

NEW YORK - If Dr. Phil can dispense advice, why not Mr. T?

The TV Land network announced Tuesday that it will start "I Pity the Fool," a series where "The A-Team" star travels across the country dispensing inspiration and advice.

"The `T' stands for talking," he said in an interview with The Associated Press. "I'm going to talk it up. It's what I've been doing all my life."

The series starts in October. He'll offer help to people struggling with personal or professional problems.

"My show ain't no `Dr. Phil,' with people sitting around crying," he said. "You're a fool — that's what's wrong with you. You're a fool if you don't take my advice."


This better not be a joke. Read the original article here.

Currently playing - Jane Child - Ds21
Now entering my twenty-fourth Cola free day!

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