Thursday, October 05, 2006

4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42

Tonight is the season premiere of ABC's LOST. I shouldn't have to tell anyone that Cat and I will be glued to the television, and like junkies needing a fix, we're not going to let anything get in our way.

I stopped watching television when I went to university in 1993, and from what little I did see in the decade that followed, I never looked back. However, LOST, (along with Fox's 24) is some of the best TV out there. Part sci-fi, part mystery, part drama, part action, part easter egg hunt, part crack cocaine, and all "what-the-hell-is-going-on-here"! It has actually given me faith that television can be engaging, smart, and most of all, entertaining.

Below is a music video with clips from the show that I found online. I think there are a few seconds of Season 3 footage in it, so if you're looking to stay spoiler free, be warned!

If you've not seen the show, I wouldn't recommend tonight's premiere. You owe it to yourself to start watching from Season 1, so you can follow the complicated mythology and characterization that the show is famous for. Heck, if you live in the Winnipeg area, I'll lend you my DVDs, or alternatively, you could go out and rent or buy them yourself, you cheapskate!

Every fan of the show has their favourites character. For the record, for me it's a toss up between maverick rogue Sawyer, and tortured Locke. I think Cat gets weak in the knees whenever Sawyer is on screen. Why couldn't it have been Locke? At least Locke and I have the same hairstyle.

As for the title of today's entry, if you don't know what it is, find out for yourself!

Currently playing - Johnny Cash - Sanctified
Now entering my one-hundred and seventy-fourth Cola free day!

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