Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Battling another addiction

If you've been reading this blog long enough, you'll be aware that I've been Cola free since April 2006.

I used to consume over 2 litres of pop a day!

Well, on December 5th, 2006 I went from out of the frying pan, and into... another frying pan. After attending an awesome Guns N' Roses concert that went on until 3AM, I started drinking coffee. I needed it to get through the work day!

Shortly afterwards, my wife Cat and I got pregnant, and I was up all hours of the night getting our nest ready for our new arrival, which meant even more coffee.

Pop quiz! After baby showed up, my coffee consumption:
a. increased
b. decreased

If you chose b, you obviously don't have children. Quit reading and go get all the sleep you can NOW!

Well, 4 weeks ago, I decided to make a few changes in my life and started eating healthy. And with the amount of cream I usually put in my coffee, I decided to pull a Dave Coulier and "Cut. It. OUT!".

At first, the caffeine withdrawal was terrible. I was pretty moody. But by day three, I'd felt better than I had in a long time!

I'm still not sure I'm going to keep up with this coffee boycott. I'm sure I'll need to rely on it's powers in the future. At some point, Cat and I hope to give our daughter a brother or sister. In a few months, our daughter is going to hit the terrible twos and start getting up in the middle of the night. Fifteen years from now, she's going to go on a date with a guy to go see Guns 'N Roses at McPhillips Street Station Casino until 3AM, and I'm going to be up waiting for him to bring her home.

On second thought, maybe I'm done with the coffee. Bring on the vodka!!!

Currently playing: Blue Rodeo - Time
Proudly in my fourth Cola free year!

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