Today on my lunch break, I stopped in at the office of the Winnipeg Blue Bombers football club to drop something off for someone. I guess the Bombers were having a practice or something, as there was about 15-20 teenagers hanging out around the front doors, waiting to catch a glimpse of the players.

Now, at 5'10" tall, I'm barely physically qualified to be the team's water boy, so there was an awkward 1/1000th of a second where the kids sized me up, trying to figure out which Bomber I was.
Before anyone had a chance to think, their fat marker was in my hand. I cockily pulled the cap off with my teeth, and let it hang on my lips while I grabbed the football out of the kid's hand and signed my name to it in a confident, exaggerated motion.
Their excitement was palpable! Another (assumed) famous athlete was signing their ball!
Noticing that I was autographing stuff, another group of teens began to advance as I finished marking the first football with my name. Now, I'm not stupid. At some moment, a whole gang of gigantic, muscled football players who are fully aware that their teammates don't look like me were about to come out the same doors I did and sack me. Needing a quick exit, I raised my hands up to block them and quietly muttered, "Not today, boys".
And in a flash, I was gone.
With all due respect to the action on the field, that was probably the most fun I'd ever had at Bomber Stadium!

Proudly in my fourth Cola free year!
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