My desk at home is a pigsty, so I've spent the last couple of days just cleaning up, organizing, and throwing out stuff I don't need.
I came across some minutes from a 5 year old meeting from hell from some freelance work I was involved in. You know the ones, where some clown is using a laser pointer to point things out on screen that is well within his reach, trying to be display his mastery over red-pen-light technology. Or the big talking hotshot throwing around cliched buzzwords like "synergy", "value added", "Web 2.0", and "Cross-platform intelligence chain", whatever THAT might be.
The part of the meeting that was relevant to my work had long passed. The remainder of this meeting was so drawn out that I began amusing myself by drawing a stick figure who considered his own death might be preferable to spending another minute in this hell hole.
It grew from there.
I present to you, "Six Ways to End This Meeting".
Currently playing: Bricklin - She's Not My Girl Proudly in my fourth Cola free year!
Well, this year's Central Canada Comic Con has come to a close. Where else can you find such creative uses for white cardboard boxes? Despite the misadventures outlined in previous posts, I had a great time meeting some famous professionals and reconnecting with numerous industry colleagues who I'd not seen in a while. So many of them had tables at the convention to promote their upcoming projects, and I want to take some time to introduce you to some great, local talent and creations!
Los Luchadores Mysteriosos: Exclusive Preview Story & Art: Evan Quiring Colours: Victoria Free Publisher: Black Swan Studios Price: $3.00 I've only just met Evan at the con when he signed my book, but I've known Victoria for almost a decade now. Her colouring work graces Quiring's art and story in Los Luchadores Mysteriosos #1, by Black Swan Studios. That title sounds like it would be the craziest Dora the Explorer episode ever. If your definition of awesome is a book featuring [SPOILER ALERT!] masked Mexican Wrestlers, zombies, UFO's, and girls with large breasts who run around in undergarments because their shirts were torn off by zombie hordes who have taken over an abandoned prison town that was destroyed by mental patients[END SPOILERS], this book will be right up your alley! It looks to be like a wild ride, and the first full issue is expected in December!
Here's a pic of Victoria and Evan, displaying my autographed issue! Yva: Blood and Sand Words & Letters: Brian S. Roe Art: Des Hanley Colours: Ronda Pattison Publisher: RSquared Studios Price: $1.00 Yva: Blood and Sand is a remarkably well done, 6 page preview that does a great job of setting up the stories and characters that will be featured in future issues! Des Hanely's art combines with Ronda's colours to create a wonderful moody atmosphere that has me humming Ennio Morricone's The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly soundtrack. I think the most impressive thing about the art in this book is the attention paid to the background, in this case, a town called "Colton's Curse". The outpost almost seems to be a character itself, so much personality is put into it's rendering!
It's along the lines of a book I could see myself writing, IF I had the time and energy and determination to publish a book myself! I highly recommend it!
For the record, "Yva" rhymes with "Eva" and "diva".
Here's Brian and Ronda at their table from the weekend! You may recognize Brian as the man in the WANTED poster on page 3 panel 3! Guitar Gun Art: Ian Sokoliwski Price: Approx $20.00 per print (available for purchase) I truly hope that Ian has a good lawyer handy. He's going to need it to negotiate the potential deals that this idea can bring in.
Think about it. Girls with guns that are also guitars.
It applies itself to everything - comics, video games, album covers, the front skin of a bass drum, t-shirts, animation, role playing games.
It's brilliant, really!
Be warned that there are some nude buttocks in the Guitar Gun images, so don't buy any prints or shirts for your grandparents unless their eyesight is failing.
Currently playing: Guns N' Roses - Don't Cry (Alternate Lyrics) Currently colouring: A yet-to-be-solicited project from Dark Horse Comics!!! Proudly in my fourth Cola free year!
I'm not proud of it, but for a few months when I was 12, I was into wrestling. Unfortunately, it's a rite of passage among teenage boys.
My brief stint following wresting was around 1987-88, when the Honky Tonk Man reigned supreme. When I found out that he was going to be at the Central Canada Comic Con, I knew I'd have to take my chances and get a photo of him.
I bumped into him at the $100-per-ticket Meet and Greet, held Friday evening. Thanks to my buddy, Big Marv, I got in for free!!!
None of the other encounters I'd had with the conventions' famous guests had gone smoothly, so I was determined to make this one work. I walked right up to the Honky Tonk Man, and grabbed his right hand, and shook it vigorously, as if to clearly indicate my excitement at meeting him!
The same right hand that only a few weeks ago nearly lost the Honky Tonk Man a finger in a freak guitar smashing incident.
Whoops. I guess I was supposed to know that.
And I'm not being funny or cute about this. Here's the video proof, courtesy of YouTube.
Honky Tonk Man yanked his hand from my vice-like grip, wincing in pain, angrily questioning why I would attack his weak spot, as so many opponents did in the squared circle before me. Had the guitar not been recently involved in nearly severing a finger from his hand, I'm certain he'd have been swinging one at my face!
I apologized profusely. Thankfully, Honky Tonk Man was far more forgiving in life than he was in the ring, and he accepted my sincere regrets. Instead of a handshake, he proposed the Howie Mandel fist bump.
I accepted. I pretty much ran away after the photo was taking, feeling terrible for causing him discomfort. But for the brief moment I met him, he was a very friendly (and forgiving) guy!
I'll probably have one more post that wraps up my less embarrassing experiences at the Central Canada Comic Con over the next day or two!
Currently playing: The Fat Boys - Jailhouse Rap Currently colouring: A yet-to-be-solicited project from Dark Horse Comics!!! Proudly in my fourth Cola free year!