Tales from the Central Canada Comic Con #1 - The man who offended... Marv Wolfman!
Tales from the Central Canada Comic Con #2 - The Curious Case of the Stammering Man

My brief stint following wresting was around 1987-88, when the Honky Tonk Man reigned supreme. When I found out that he was going to be at the Central Canada Comic Con, I knew I'd have to take my chances and get a photo of him.
I bumped into him at the $100-per-ticket Meet and Greet, held Friday evening. Thanks to my buddy, Big Marv, I got in for free!!!
None of the other encounters I'd had with the conventions' famous guests had gone smoothly, so I was determined to make this one work. I walked right up to the Honky Tonk Man, and grabbed his right hand, and shook it vigorously, as if to clearly indicate my excitement at meeting him!
The same right hand that only a few weeks ago nearly lost the Honky Tonk Man a finger in a freak guitar smashing incident.
Whoops. I guess I was supposed to know that.
And I'm not being funny or cute about this. Here's the video proof, courtesy of YouTube.
Honky Tonk Man yanked his hand from my vice-like grip, wincing in pain, angrily questioning why I would attack his weak spot, as so many opponents did in the squared circle before me. Had the guitar not been recently involved in nearly severing a finger from his hand, I'm certain he'd have been swinging one at my face!
I apologized profusely. Thankfully, Honky Tonk Man was far more forgiving in life than he was in the ring, and he accepted my sincere regrets. Instead of a handshake, he proposed the Howie Mandel fist bump.
I accepted.

I'll probably have one more post that wraps up my less embarrassing experiences at the Central Canada Comic Con over the next day or two!
Currently playing: The Fat Boys - Jailhouse Rap
Currently colouring: A yet-to-be-solicited project from Dark Horse Comics!!!
Proudly in my fourth Cola free year!
Ohhhhh man! Sounds like an eventful comic con so far! I also used to be a wrestling fan. At around the same time, too! I would have been just as nervous to meet the man!
You had less embarrassing things happen to you at C4?
Oh come on, I'm sure you can think of more embarrassing experiences! I'm enjoying them soooo much! lol.
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