Wednesday, April 25, 2007

World's worst commercials

I'm speechless.

This has to be the worst commercial I've ever seen. It's an real commercial from Poland, although you'd be forgiven for not knowing that considering that the "Grand Pol" logo features the American flag in it's logo.

Finished watching it? Good. Now, go back and watch it again. It rewards you with subsequent viewings.

Now, I don't know the first thing about marketing, but I'd bet having a barely pronounceable product name like Prusakolep is the first thing on a checklist to disaster, right next to terrifying synthesizer music and video shot and edited by a junkie on a bad trip.

If you thought Prusakolep was entertaining, wait until you get a load of Kana-hakkliha. You may think Kana-hakkliha is an vegetarian organization dedicated to preventing cruelty to chickens. Think again.

This is an honest-to-god ad promoting ground chicken, apparently with a side dish of LSD. I'm sorry, but eating meat is the LAST thing I want to do after that, probably because the echoing voices and creepy music made me nearly wet my pants.

Our third runner up tonight, for the World's Worst Commercial, is an ad for, well, I'll be honest, I'm not really able to focus on what it is they're selling! There's something about this video... I just can't seem to put my tongue.. er, finger on it.

Currently playing: Anastacia & Ben Moody - Everything Burns
Currently colouring: Amazing Fantasy Omnibus Volume 1
Proudly entering my second Cola free year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, My name is Neil. I'm from Winnipeg, Manitoba myself. I'm sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if you can send me the song "Miracle" By: Orphan

(I was wondering if you could send me that song in MP3 format?) I'd really apperciate it!

My email is:
