If your prone to taking everything you're told at face value, then I suppose you'd be right. But I for one would like to see some scientific data backing that statement up. Or at the very least a scientifically conducted poll with a low +/- error.
All kidding aside, I love Christmas. Cat and I, getting ready for our daughter's first Christmas have been cranking the holiday tunes to the max. Having listened to literally TENS of songs over the last few days, I feel compelled to narrow down a list of 5 of my favourite Christmas songs.
Geez, and I turning into Oprah Winfrey? Here's a list of my faaaaaaaaaavourite things!!!! (cue fanatical, predominantly female crowd reaction).

The perfect, rockabilly Christmas song. No cover version has ever come close to capturing its "jingle-hop" essence. I'm still not certain what classifies a "Jingle-horse", but what the heck - it's Christmas, I'll take a ride!

Ah, the dulcet warblings of Aaron Neville. The guy sounds like he's singing while using one of those old 1950's vibrating belt exercise machines. Still, his version of Silent Night is probably better at soothing people than Morphine is, and I mean that as a compliment.

I can't stand Celine Dion, however, she belts this song good. Laugh at me all you like, but if you're not pumping your fist in the air and declaring "Christ is the Lord" by the end of this song, you have no soul whatsoever. Seriously. The woman's Vegas shtick makes me sick to my stomach, and she really needs to put some meat on those bones, but man, does her rendition of this classic ever hit home what the true meaning of Christmas is all about!

This song will forever remind me of one of my favourite Christmas television shows - Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. It's hard not to picture Sam the Snowman singing this every time I hear it. My two favourite parts of the song have to be the sheer, rushed gusto with which Ives sings the lines "KISS'ER once for me!", and "HAVE A holly, jolly Christmas". Great stuff.

On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me... a beer. It doesn't get any better than that. Showcasing some other great Canadian gifts like back bacon and golden toques, this rambling poorly sung epic is a Christmas classic if you live north of the 49th parallel. If you disagree, then take off, hoser! Merry Christmas, and good day.
Currently playing: Wham - Last Christmas
Currently colouring: Marvel Masterworks: Avengers vol. 9
Proudly in my third Cola free year!
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