There are a few classics in here that I'll post over the coming weeks, such as "Mr. Scrunch's Leaf Cleaning Invention", and "The Day I Went to Backward Town". But I thought today I'd post the tenth entry in the book - a timely piece of poetry titled "Merry Christmas".
It's not the most inspiring piece of work, and while it's first line starts things off well by referencing Jesus, demonstrating my awareness of the true meaning of Christmas, it soon veers into pagan topics such as Santa, Elves, Mistletoe, and Scrooge.
The drawings (posted below) show no early evidence that I'd one day go on to become a talented artist. The manger is pretty good, but my knowledge of rabbit anatomy is lacking.
Now, without further adieu, I present, Merry Christmas.
M is for the manger which Jesus lay in.
E is for elves which help Santa get the presents ready.
R is for Rudolph pulling Santa's sleigh.
R is for rabbits that were in the stable.
Y is for yule-log that burns in the fireplace.
C is for Christmas when children get presents.
H is for "Humbug" what Scrooge said on Christmas Eve.
R is for red it is the colour of Rudolph's nose.
I is for ivy which climb the house.
S is for snow what lay on the ground.
T is for toys that we get at Christmas.
M is for Mistletoe watch out where it hangs.
A is for angel which floated over Jesus's (sic) stable.
S is for Scrooge who loves money.

Currently colouring: Marvel Masterworks: Avengers vol. 9
Proudly in my third Cola free year!
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